322 | How to Sustain Profitability in Uncertain Times with Paul Zelizer

This week on the pod is our monthly solo episode with Paul Zelizer.  Paul is one of the first business coaches to specialize in working with social entrepreneurs and the host of the popular Awarepreneurs podcast.  The topic is how to sustain profitability in uncertain times.

This episode is sponsored by the coaching company of our host, Zelizer Consulting Services.

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

How to Sustain Profitability in Uncertain Times with Paul Zelizer

NOTE: While it’s not perfect, we offer a transcript and the below summaries by Castmagic for those who are hearing impaired or who don’t find listening to a podcast enjoyable or possible.

You can read the full transcript here.

Key Topics & Bullet Points

1. Introduction to Sustainable Profitability

- Overview of the importance of maintaining profitability during challenging economic times.

- Preview of strategies Paul Zelizer will discuss in the episode.

2. Strategies for Sustainable Profitability

- Three primary strategies for sustainable profitability: LinkedIn, organizational clients, and revenue diversification.

- Specific tactics for each strategy discussed by Paul Zelizer.

3. Strategic Partnerships

- Identifying partners with aligned values.

- Creating mutually beneficial arrangements and shared revenue opportunities.

- Success story of a strategic partnership originated on LinkedIn.

4. SEO Optimization Importance

- Value of creating quality, SEO-optimized content.

- Regular use of Google business profiles to boost search rankings.

5.Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Growth

- LinkedIn as a prime source for connecting with decision-makers.

- Developing a strong LinkedIn presence for greater opportunities.

- Engaging with the network through regular content posting and private interactions.

- Data pointing to LinkedIn's effectiveness for marketers.

6. Working with Organizational Clients

- Paul Zelizer's experience with the SBA Thrive program.

- Providing value to organizations with larger budgets.

- Brand refresh or content strategy tailored to the needs of established organizations.

7. Diversifying Revenue Streams

- Adapting business models to cater to different client needs and resources.

- Cautious approach to implementing new strategies while not abandoning what works.

8. Maintaining Presence and Alignment with Values

- Importance of steady and loving presence in the marketplace.

- Aligning the business with personal values for enduring success.

9. Possibility of Getting Part or Full-time Job

- Considering part-time jobs or contract work for income stability.

- Joining affordable programs like a Podcast Accelerator for continued learning and growth.

10. Encouragement and Support Resources

- Advice on articulating entrepreneurial experience to potential employers.

- Recommendations for professional support from Craig Zellizer and Marissa Nordstrom.

11. Community Engagement and Feedback

- Paul Zelizer's openness to listener suggestions for topics and guests.

- Importance of the podcast in serving its audience's needs.

12. Conclusion

- Recap of proven strategies to sustain profitability.

- Encouragement to entrepreneurs to employ these strategies and seek support when needed.

- Invitation to join the discussion by providing feedback and topic suggestions.

Paul Zelizer