326 | 3 Challenges Social Impact Startups Face Now with Paul Zelizer

This week on the pod is our monthly solo episode with Paul Zelizer.  Paul is one of the first business coaches to specialize in working with social entrepreneurs and the host of the popular Awarepreneurs podcast.  The topic is how to navigate 3 common challenges social impact startups face in 2024.

This episode is sponsored by the coaching company of our host, Zelizer Consulting Services.

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

3 Challenges Social Impact Startups Face: Solo episode with Paul Zelizer

NOTE: While it’s not perfect, we offer a transcript and the below summaries by Castmagic for those who are hearing impaired or who don’t find listening to a podcast enjoyable or possible.

You can read the full transcript of this episode here..

Key Topics and Bullet Points

Primary Topic: Introduction to Episode Theme of Challenges Social Impact Startups Face

- Introduction to the AwarePreneurs podcast and its mission to explore wisdom from leading social entrepreneurs

- Host, Paul Zelizer, introduces the solo episode format, where he addresses current issues in the social impact business space.

- Discussion of the episode's focus on the three challenges faced by social impact startups in 2024.

- Inviting listeners to share their own experiences and challenges in the space.

Primary Topic: Challenge 1 - Access to Funding for Impact Startups

- Discussion about the significant decrease in overall funding for startups in 2023 and the continuing trend into 2024.

- Strategies for navigating the challenging funding environment:

- Emphasizing smart growth over rapid expansion.

- Being lean and pragmatic in the startup approach.

- Exploring strategic partnerships and collaborations for access to funding.

Primary Topic: Challenge 2 - Regressive Social and Political Landscape

- Addressing the pushback and resistance faced by social impact startups in areas such as climate policies and DEI initiatives.

- Strategies for handling the regressive landscape:

- Importance of seeking support and building resilience within the impact business community.

- Need for adaptable and unique strategies within each specific impact space.

- Building resiliency within the team and creating a supportive environment for addressing challenges.

Primary Topic: Challenge 3 - Building Awareness and Market Demand

- Analyzing the crowded and competitive nature of the current market for impact startups.

- Strategies for building awareness and market demand:

- Emphasizing the necessity of integrating impact values into the core aspects of the business.

- Educating customers and clients about the significant impact made by the startup.

- Building trust and consistency in the market and targeting niche audiences for faster growth.

- Advocating for collaboration and partnerships within the impact startup space to gain traction.

Primary Topic: Conclusion and Call to Action

- Recap of the discussed challenges and strategies.

- Encouraging listener participation and feedback on their own experiences and solutions.

- Invitation to pitch ideas for future episodes.

- Expressing gratitude for the positive impact created by the audience.

Paul Zelizer